Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello, Android!

As well as my System Administration course this year, I am also taking in a new class to the university called CS4880 (aka Topics in Computing: Programming for Mobile Devices). The class is exactly as it is named, programming for mobile devices.

The first day of class started with discussion of what our professor would like us to be able to accomplish and learn by the end of the semester, as well as signing waivers for the phones we'd be provided with for the semester. We were handed our LG Optimus T phones and simply asked to go to the market and review 6 apps to start the semester, but that is not what I'm on here to post about. Our next task was to begin the actual setup and programming of applications.

Our first program we wrote was a simple "Hello, World!" app that was named "Hello, Android!" (clever eh?) This was a task that was pretty simple, as the Android developer site has a tutorial how to do this step-by-step. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I figured I would simply post up the developers site with the exact same tutorial so you guys can take a look (link will be posted at the bottom). This tutorial shows users how to setup/install the IDE and the Android SDK to create virtual Android devices that can be launched from the computer (as not everyone owns an Android device). It allows you to choose from different versions (i.e. 2.1, 2.2, 3.0) and run the apps as if you were using a device with that version.

From my early experiences of working with Android programming, it seems as though they basically took Java and made a love child of their own, mixing and matching a lot of the Java libraries with the Android libraries. As such, I did finally manage to get my IDE and SDK up and running and created my first Android app! (*applause*) It is very simple, as you can see from the screenshot.

This class is something that really interests me and I hope I can think up some interesting apps to create. If anyone has a suggestion or an idea, feel free to let me know! I do like ideas. I haven't done any programming in over a year, but as I just said, this is a very interesting field to me, so I say to you, CS4880...

"Hello, World!" tutorial can be found here!
Source code for my "Hello, Android" app can be found here!

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